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New safe and effective sterilization technology

Occupying an increasingly large part of BGSpace, a co-working space in China Artificial Intelligence Town, is WoWoSir ( 握握手), a technology startup looking to revolutionize beverage consumption in the corporate world.

Bottled water consumption and the consumption of other beverages is a non-negligible operational cost for many companies and the waste, both of the beverages themselves and the beverage container litter, is significant. To solve this, WoWoSir is developing a ‘super beverage dispenser’ that includes not only industrial-grade water purification functions, but also offers users coffee, various kinds of tea, juices, milk,soymilk and carbonated drinks. All in all 110 kinds of drinks are available. WoWoSir’s beverage dispenser reduces the cost of water from an average of 15RMB/barrel (approx. 119 liters) to 5.7 RMB/barrel and costs for other beveragesare about 2.9 RMB/cup thus offering significant savings for companies.

The machine is a market game changer thathas received a large amount of attention both domestically and internationally.As WoWoSir’s monetization strategy does not focus on the selling of water andbeverages themselves they are able to focus on minimizing their clients’beverage per-unit cost. WoWoSir’s ‘super beverage dispenser’ currently sellsfor 60,000 RMB and is aimed for companies with 60 or more staff.

The current covid-19 virus situation has accentuated the need for a hygienic, low cost beverage solution that WoWoSir offers and the company is seeing a surge of interest in their ‘super beverage dispenser’. The covid-19 situation has however also led to a surprised evelopment. Based on the company's existing beverage machine pipesterilization technology, the WoWoSir team realized it was possible to develop aspace disinfection system utilizing the medical-grade ozone generator of theirbeverage machine to produce ozone that can regularly and effectively sterilizean indoor space. The sterilization effect is 600-800 times that of alcohol,with no risk for explosions and this feature is now added to the WoWoSir ‘superbeverage dispenser’. The technology enables the preparation of ozone water thathas disinfection and sterilization effects, which can be stored in a spraybottle that can be carried around for ‘disinfection on-the-go’.

WoWoSir was founded by Fu Jun, a former executive from Alibaba current CEO of WoWoSir, in2015. Other core team members have past experiences working for Alibaba,Jiaduobao and Wahaha. WoWoSir is fully self-funded by its founder and the team.The WoWoSir ‘super beverage dispenser’ is being launched in the market duringthe coming two months.

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